
Showing posts from October, 2020

Gathering Around The Table


Gathering Around The Table

Every Tuesday, volunteers gather at my service site (Church of the Guardian Angel) to prepare the food that will be distributed to our guests on Wednesday Morning. This is a busy day, as a Truck is unloaded and food is sorted into three different bags. It is an exciting time of preparation, but my favorite part of my week is about midway through our day, when we pause from all the business and share a meal. And sharing this meal with everyone who has come to help in the perpetrations, has become my favorite event of the week. I have loved the chance to get to know everyone who is there and to share fellowship, but I am most impressed with how this meal brings everyone to the table, as part of one community.

Guardian Angel has made sharing meals together a center of their life together. They gather whenever they can safely, and make sure that everyone is welcome at the table.  Watching that process of the community has thought me more about what it means to be a community of faith in these couple of months than just about anything else I have experienced. I am incredibly grateful for that and looking to continue to learn more from that community during this year of service.

Learn more about Father Steve

By now, you've probably seen Father Steve Holt around Guardian Angel. Steve joined us this summer as the new Rector. Now that he's pretty much settled in, we decided to sit down and record this so the wider community can get to know him a little better too.

Gathering Together

These past few weeks at Guardian Angels have been wonderful, as we have gathered for worship (both together in the church and online), celebrated St. Francis Day with Church of the Redeemer, and continued the work of the Food Pantry. We know have three weeks under our belt of in-person worship. It is such a wonderful gift to be able to see each other and to break bread together. In-person worship continues on Sunday, and you can also join us online using this link (

            In addition to our gatherings on Sunday Mornings, about 10 people form Guardian Angel and Church of the Redeemer gathered together last Saturday to celebrate the feast day of Saint Francis, and to bless the animals. There were very excited dogs running around in Wyman Del Park, and wonderful service led by the Rev Rebecca Ogus (Associate for Youth and Young Adult Ministries at Church of the Redeemer.

All of us who gathered on Saturday recited together the Prayer Attributed to Saint Francis. The Prayer Attributed to Saint Francis is a powerful reminder in these difficult times, that our faith calls out into the world to bring love, truth, and faith into the world. For me it at least, it is a reminder that we have the ability to use our faith to make the world a better place for everyone.